Wednesday, November 10, 2010


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Friday, May 28, 2010


So I was really bored yesterday. I coated Kharn in Gesso to give him a little texture and gore. Decided to paint him at 1 in the morning... Not to shabby for being half awake lol.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

'Ard Boyz Preliminary Final List

With 'Ard Boyz just around the corner, It's time to finalize my list. (let alone finally chose a codex..) I have decided to go with Loyalist Marines. Looking at the missions and current meta-game I feel very confortable with the codex even though my expertise is Chaos. My meta game will be Tyranids and IG and probably a splash of Blood Angels. I feel that playing the long-range game may be the golden ticket. I tried cramming as many long-range AT weapons I could without going overboard on 300 point devistator units. Splash it up with a little HtH support.

Cato Sicarius

Terminator Armor
Storm Shield
Null Zone
Might of Ancients

5 Assault Terminators
5 Thunderhammer
Landraider Crusader (Dedicated)
Extra Armor

Lascannon Sponsons

Lascannon Sponsons

10 Devistators
4 Lascannons

10 Tactical
Missile Launcher

10 Tactical (WITH SCOUT)
Melta Gun

10 Tactical
Missile Launcher
TL Lascannon

5 Scouts
5 Sniper Rifles
Camo Cloaks

Multi-Melta (ran out of points for a lascannon)
Missile Launcher

Ironclad Dreadnought
Seismic Hammer
Heavy Flamer
Melta Gun
Drop Pod

Sunday, May 9, 2010

When groceries go bad...

All I can say is non-perishable poop. Discovered when making a quick trip for some gas-x ironically
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thousand Sons, the sleeping troop?

Hey Folks. Today I'd like to talk a little about my favorite Chaos God, Tzeentch. I've played Thousand Sons for many years and have experienced Tzeentch's balls kicked with each new codex and 40K rule edition. Truly they are the masters of change. With the rise of recent MEQ armies like Space Wolves and Blood Angels, my T-sons are getting dusted off. (Not too much... they need dust too.)

Let's look at the basic cost. 8 Thousand Sons and the mandatory Sorcerer is 244 points if you still like sacred numbers. Expensive yes, but you get a lot of punch. Aside from the AP3 bolters, it's the force weapon that really adds value to the unit in my opinion and is really the "sleeper" ability. The option to field multiple force weapons in an army is really an amazing thing. On top of that, it's held by non independent characters and can further be boosted with Warp Time. Tyranids fear it and with the creep of Hero Hammer, this underrated weapon has become much more useful.

Of course there is the endless debate of Bolt of Change vs Warp Time on Aspiring Sorcerers. Both have their ways on the battlefield. Looking at armies that are either wholly or heavily Tzeentch based, there's a lack of anti-tank. Bolt of Change works pretty good and can be shot from a rhino hatch. At the same time, T-sons lack a little on the combat side and warp time is very useful against MEQ and MCEQ. I think it really comes down to your local meta game.

What about their save? Their 4++ save really could start to shine with the upcoming Blood Angels. With so many power weapons and the like, T-sons may be able to tarpit Angels and widdle them down with warp timed sorcerers. For the first time, I believe Nurgle will be outmatched as the "best" CSM troop when it comes to fighting Blood Angels.

There are a lot of support options available to T-son armies. Even more so than some actually think. At 1850, 3 solid units is usually your core. Probably backed up by some smaller packs of lesser daemons. Obliterators are the obvious heavy choice. (I prefer to mix them with defilers). But again with the sleeping side of Tzeentch, I feel that dreadnoughts are wonderful support to T-Sons. I usually field two. One with a lascannon and the other with dual CCWs. Fire Frenzy can be annoying but it's only a 1/6 chance. Through personal experience, my dreads have done more good than harm by providing wonderful combat support.

HQs are really a flavor thing. The most common choice would be a winged Prince with MoT, Warp Time and Wind of Chaos/Bolt of Change. For about 200 points, you get a really mean MC that has good survivability and close combat prowess. My personal favorite is a Sorcerer on Disc with Warp time and Bolt of Change. There are a few reasons. One is having another force weapon with 6 attacks on the charge. (3+Disc+CCW/Pistol+charge). One thing I think most players don’t even realize is that independent characters can join Obliterator units. I've used these sorcerers along with obliterator units on foot to provide a little extra anti-tank and 4++ save support. Once I'm close enough, he flies away and takes on MCs and ICs with his force weapon.

At the end of the day I will actually be fielding more T-sons due to the growth of Blood Angels. We will also have to wait and see what sort of silly pants Dark Eldar bring to the table. As for Grey Knights, I say bring it. It's an immeasurable feud with the Lord of Change. I’ve also included a sample 1850 list of a dedicated T-son army that I would probably field.

Daemon Prince
Mark of Tzeentch
Winds of Chaos

8 Thousand Sons
Personal Icon
Aspiring Sorcerer
Bolt of Change

8 Thousand Sons
Personal Icon
Aspiring Sorcerer

8 Thousand Sons
Personal Icon
Aspiring Sorcerer

6 Lesser Daemons

6 Lesser Daemons

2 Obliterators

2 Obliterators

Extra CCW
Extra Armor


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

League Round 5

Well This is the final round for the 10+ week league. I am faced up against a very experienced Ork player with 2250 points to work with. The mission is slightly modified with dawn of war and 5 objective counters. The game lasts a minimum of 7 turns and a maximum of 9.

I am in second place with battle points and am playing the top player. There are 10 total players.

Orks 495
Chaos (me) 445
Tau 440
IG 430
Chaos (underdog) 400

Round 5 Clean and simple. 2250 points

Seize Ground (5 objectives) with Dawn of War deployment. 4 x 6 table, standard terrain density (25%)


Random game length with rolling for game end at end of turn 7, instead of turn 5. Night Fighting on turn 1 per Dawn of War rules.


Control quarters of the board. Keep in mind that scoring units can only control objectives OR table quarters. Make the choice. Obviously, units controlling a objective are contesting that table quarter. Scoring units can only control one table quarter each.


Win = 100 pts

Tie = 75 pts

Loss = 50 pts


If you control 1 table quarter: 5 pts

If you control 2 table quarter: 10 pts

If you control 3 table quarter: 15 pts

If you control 4 table quarter: 25 pts

If you kill all enemy HQs: 10 pts

If you kill all opponents Heavy choices: 10 pts If you have at least 1 HQ left (not fleeing) at the end of the game : 5 pts

My list is as follows. The two CSM squads were not given rhinos. BOTH will be deploying on the table with a Daemon prince (type determined by deployment order). Both have "blank" champions due to lack of points and to work as hosts. Since this is DoW and table quarters, I will be able to hold two quarters easily with both squads. The greater daemon will come out as needed with one of these two squads. The rest will arrive on first turn. Although it is situational, the obliterators will probably deep strike. There are no kill points. I maxed out on 5-man daemon units to hold the objectives. This list may change. I have two weeks to play the round. I don't have the models, but I'd like to field just plague marines on the table plus daemons. I may have time to build some more.

10 CSM
Icon of Chaos Glory
1 Melta

10 CSM
Icon of Chaos Glory

7 Plague Marines
2 Flamer
Personal Icon
Power weapon
Extra Armor

7 Plague Marines
2 Flamer
Personal Icon
Power weapon
Extra Armor

Greater Daemon

Daemon Prince
Mark of Slaanesh
Lash of submission

Daemon Prince
Mark of Tzeentch
Warp Time
Bolt of Change

2 Obliterators

2 Obliterators

2 Obliterators

5 Lesser Daemons

5 Lesser Daemons

5 Lesser Daemons

5 Lesser Daemons

5 Lesser Daemons

5 Lesser Daemons

I have enough models to make about 4 more squads plus extras of plague marines if I convert them this week. Here's the list with just plague marines.

10 Plague Marines
2 Flamer
Power weapon
Personal Icon

10 Plague Marines
2 Flamer
Power weapon
Personal Icon

10 Plague Marines
2 Melta
Personal Icon
Havoc Launcher

10 Plague Marines
2 Plasma
Personal Icon

2 Obliterators

2 Obliterators

2 Obliterators

Daemon Prince
Mark of Slaanesh
Lash of submission

Daemon Prince
Mark of Tzeentch
Warp Time
Bolt of Change

6 Lesser Daemon

6 Lesser Daemon

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Splitting up my Imperial forces...

Having such a large imperial marine collection, I have decided to split some of it into a second chapter. Ultra Marines is my legion of choice, but I've been looking for something a little different. I have decided to create a smaller Imperial Fists force. I'll probably use the same approach I am with my Epidemius army. Keep it small (2000 pts) so I can have a static pick-up army for imperial forces. Besdies, yellow is a good challenge to paint and bright armies catch more eyes on the table top. It also dawned on me that my drop pod kits come with an abundant amount of Fist icons that can be used throughout the army.

The biggest road block here will be the painting approach. I could go with an airbrush like I am with my ultras. Blue is easier with an airbrish since it's a darker color and can be highlighted. Yellow is pretty much the opposite and will require more lowlights. Drybrushing is usually the prefered method to achieve lowlights. It's sort of difficult with yellow though...Grrr...

Being what I hope to be a static army, I wanted to go a little more fluffy over competitive. Having 20+ terminators available, a better reason to do imperial fists. I will be saving my CC termies for my ultras. I ran short of points to include the libby as my second HQ @ 1850. When writing the list, I was left with an odd amount of points left (40) with him in it. I didn't want to remove a dread since I feel that riflemen work best in pairs. Removing the libby allowed me to take a third troop choice and a spare landspeeder.


10 Terminators (Sarge+HF in the LR, Lysander and Cyclone on foot or deep strike)
Heavy Flamer
Dedicated LR Redeemer
Extra Armor

x2 TL autocannons

x2 TL autocannons

10 Tactical
Power Weapon
Melta Bomb
TL Lascannon

10 Tactical
Power weapon
Melta Bomb
TL Assault cannon

5 Scouts
5 Sniper Rifles
Camo Cloaks (had points to spare. Cloaks + Bolster defences gives them a 2+ cover for objective missions)

Land speeder

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Herald Palanquin Finished

I have finished one of my Heralds. The palanquin itself took about 2 hours to paint from start to finish with dry brushing methods. Another 30 or so minutes for the Herald.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Speed painting method - Nurgle flesh

So I decided to try a less detail oriented method at painting nurgle flesh. I really like to use my airbrush and paint highlights by hand. I rarely dry brush. This is my first army I'll be painting that won't have armor whether it's power armor or eldar armor. This time I went old fashion and gave dry brushing a shot. I have completed one Herald model. I use Game Colors for most of my paint. Total time was 20-30 minutes.

Base coat Foul Green (OOP GW Vile Green)
Dry brush Dead Flesh (GW Rotting Flesh)

Skin details
Filthy Brown (GW Vomit Brown)
I am considering Paracite Brown instead (GW Vermin Brown)

Base coat Cobra Leather (GW Snakebite Leather)
Dry Brush Plague Brown (GW Bubonic Brown)

Beasty Brown (GW Beastial Brown)
Dry Brush Plague Brown
Boltgun Metal

Whole model coated with one generous coat of Devlin Mud.

Kill Point vs Objectives

While working on stripping my followers of nurgle, there really wont be much progress to post. Besides, who wants to stare at nothing but unpainted models forever? Today I touch basis on something simple but still heavily discussed. In our local community, most players own multiple armies but all share the same concept. That is the old fasion "all commers" composition. I'd like to talk a little about army composition and where the lines fall when looking at Kill Point and Objective balancing. This will be my first real tactics post so my thoughts my not be in chronological order...

I'll save my opinions on the invention of Kill Points since we all have to deal with them one way or another. Over the years of playing I have had the opportunity to play many armies and codecies. With current 5th ed trends, armies are starting to blend together. Of course that is mech, mech mech. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Pro: Quickly deliver scoring units to objectives
Con: Lightly armored transports give easy kill points

Pro: Further protect more valuable units and kill points.
Con: Some transports force MSU which degrade survivability of units. Razorbacks are a good example.

So where do we find the balance between easy kill transports, MSU and providing mobility for objective based missions? Lets place our thoughts assuming there are some stakes like we find within a tournament or league. Normally there is only a 1/3 chance of seeing kill points, though I have attended tournaments that have randomly drawn multiple kill point missions. But what can we do on a smaller scale to give us a cusion so to speak just in case we come across this kind of situation.

First I'm going to look at the easy kills. Light armored transports make wonderful targets and can really break a kill point mission depending on your opponent and how fully mechanized your troops are. Unless someone can prove me wrong, ALL troop transports have cheap upgrades that not all players take advantage of to increase survivability. (PLEASE no mathhammer...) One common tactic I use is purchasing combi-weapons for my CSM rhinos. For about 10 points, I get a extra melta shot and an effective "wound" on my vehicle. I cannot even begin to count how many times an extra weapon has made a breaking change in getting my unit to their objective due to glance saturation.

Just last weekend, I had a rhino plumited by 2 DE ravagers with brightlances. Though some luck was involved, he failed to destroy it. He managed to get multiple weapon destroyed/immobilizd results. Normally it would have been just enough to kill rhino. But instead I was left with an immobile and weaponless bunker. What made this game shift was a squad of wytches and archon waiting outside who had disembarked assuming brightlances should have destroyed the rhino so they could assault. It didn't happen. My squad was a unit of plague marines with two flamers. The wytches where easily destroyed by the flamers and the champion punked the archon's 2+ void shield in HtH. It was a KP game and I just earned 2 easy KP instead of losing the rhino and maybe the squad if they were charged.

In summary, players should consider cheap weapon upgrades to increase survivability. If your army has a lot of light/weak transports and you're trying to sweat out a KP battle, it could save your life.

Enough about tanks. Armies like Eldar and Daemons often utilize MSU (Multiple Small Units). When 5th ed rolled around, MSU more or lessed died. Part to the recent MEQ unit organizaton changes in later codecies. MEQ can also utilize this with combat squads. We all know that there are some battles where KP is just completely unbalanced but I feel that on average, each army has about 10-12 KP per side at 1850 points. My recent tournament list had a whopping 15KP. This was thanks to 7 troop units and 3 rhinos. There were four packs of 5-man lesser daemons. At the end of the day, only one KP mission was drawn. The second mission showed up as terrain features as objectives. The third was a standard 3-objective mission. Playing MSU proved superior especially in the second mission since there was about 10 or so objectives on the table. Don't forget a single unit can claim/contest multiple objectives at once.

On a competitive setting what do you do? Do you balance tactical mobility and KP? Do you run KP denial? Do you say screw KP all together and maximize targets and killing power?

As for me, I usually ignore KP counts all together. I often run MSU with all my armies. My biggest reasoning for this is cover saves. Even small 5-man units can survive just as long as a 10-man unit. Let's take a combat squad of marines for an example. 10 marines in cover are no different than two units of 5 in cover. However with decent rolls, a 5-man can shrug off a lot of fire which may force your opponent to saturate more firing units into them. This draws fire away from the other 5-man unit. Even if the squadss breaks morale, you'r not losing all 10 models. I use this tactic a lot with Lesser Daemons. I throw down smaller units which still hold a threat value. They'll go to ground and get pummeled by concentrated fire, drawing it away from more important units.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Epidemius... Tally until RTT

Though I do not know when this army will be ready, it is pretty much my next project. I still have some CSM to work on, but I have pleanty painted. There really isn't much flex with an Epidemius army. For now, this is my project and army 1850 list. I'd prefer to have 3 more heralds with breath of chaos over the cost of Ku'Gath, but it's what I have to work with at the moment. And yes you can yell at me for having some non-nurgle units. I feel the screemers are necessary. Not just for anti-tank but knowing they have melta-bombs makes them big targets. With the games I've playtested, they have usually died before making it to a tank. However each squad was soaking up 3-4 enemy units' worth of firing which was extremely important keeping that fire off my scoring units. If they survive, that's just a bonus.



Herald of Nurgle
Breath of Chaos

Daemon Prince
Mark of Nurgle
Noxious Touch
Iron Hide
Cloud of Flies
Breath of Chaos

Daemon Prince
Mark of Nurgle
Noxious Touch
Iron Hide
Cloud of Flies
Breath of Chaos

14 plaguebearers
Instrument of Chaos

13 plaguebearers
Chaos Icon
Instrument of Chaos

13 plaguebearers
Chaos Icon
Instrument of Chaos

7 Nurglings

7 Nurglings

4 Screamers

4 screamers

Monday, March 22, 2010

Palanquins Part 2

All the puddy has dried and I am now just soaking the GUO in simple green. The puddy I used worked ok. It took about 2 days to dry which was bad. It also shrinks so I had to add a little more puddy (using much better material this time) to bulk up the top. Overall it was inexpensive to make. I also put glue/water effects around the larger gaps of nurglings to help secure them to the puddy core. Though still just a thought in progress, you can also see a pot of potential disease which may be used on Ku'Gath's palanquin.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Palanquins of Nurgle...(updated)

I stopped at Hobby Lobby today armed with a 40% off coupon. Picked up some modeling puddy. There's a lot out there. Some clay based and some play-doh based. I decided to go with the kids stuff. It's a lot softer. $6.99 regular price for 1 pound. I paid about $4.25. It's a pretty big tub. I used maybe 1/15 at the most for a smaller palanquin.

Pretty easy to do. I first started with a 40mm base and a glob a little smaller than a golf ball. The puddy appears to be super glue friendly when fresh. Throw on a hand full of trimmed nurglings. When dry, I can fill up the gaps.

I plan on using an urban theme for my Daemons. Here we have a palanquin for a herald that I have started.

1850 Rogue Trader

There's a Rogue Trader Sunday that I will be attending. Actually there is a 2000 point Rogue today too. Unfortunately I could not get off work for the evening portion to attend today's. As usual, CSM will be hitting the table. Being a RT I of course have to bring my best (more like fully) painted models. It's a pretty standard list for me. My core choices of two princes, greater daemon, 2 plague marine units, an undivided unit and some oblits. Almost all my CSM lists at this level include these units. The rest is just flavor of the week. I came just a few battle points short of taking first in the last RT with my core chaos list + dreadnoughts and Tsons. This time I will be bringing the core + lesser daemons and terminators.

On a side note, my Epidemius bomb is starting to get some love this weekend. I'm planning out Ku'Gath's and a Herald's palanquin.

Daemon Prince
Mark of Slaanesh
Lash of Submission

Daemon Prince
Mark of Tzeentch
Warp Time

Greater Daemon

5 Lesser Daemons

5 Lesser Daemons

5 Lesser Daemons

5 Lesser Daemons

7 Plague Marines
2 Flamers
Power Weapon
Personal Icon

7 Plague Marines
2 Flamers
Power Weapon
Personal Icon
Havoc Launcher

10 CSM
2 Melta
Icon of Chaos Glory

5 Terminators
5 Combi-Meltas
1 Lightning Claw
2 Powerfist
Icon of Khorne

2 Obliterators

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Purse Bomb... No Cover Saves Allowed!

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

On to bigger things...

After months of hesitation the scorpion is getting more paint. I also need him for this crazy ass jungle mission tomorrow (Defiler).
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Speaking of the mission there was a small modifcation to the rules. All forest is considered dense and is infinitely high for purposes of LOS and vehicles (Skimmers can't hover over).

My list is ready. As stated in the earlier post, I am taking as many walkers as I have. The block LoS rules will negate any dreadnought fire frenzy rolls so ether they're running or sane. HQ choices pretty much suck for CSM and this mission. I'm leaving the princes at home for once. I expect one of my nurgle squads to hold their own while an HQ plants the beacon. Since this will be a combat oriented game, I added a little fun to the list with two Khorne lords.

x2 CCW

Extra CCW
Heavy Flamer
Extra Armor


7 Deathguard
2 Flamer
Dozer Blade

7 Deathguard
2 Flamer
Dozer Blade

8 Khorne Berserkers
Dozer Blade


Chaos lord
Mark of Slaanesh

2 Obliterators

8 Possessed
Icon of Khorne

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Final update on Terminators

Just need to add grass and a few touch-ups

Army Swap

I've decided to dump my eldar if I can get an army swap for WHFB. It's a long list and I'm willing to piece it of course if I can get an equivalent retail of at least 2000 points worth of WHFB. Currently I'm open to any race for now. Of course I'll take cash for a lucky buyer who wants the whole lot... EMAIL me if you are interested.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Craziest missions you'll ever see? (updated)

Taken from Amercent Films without permission

I'm currently playing in a 10-week escalation league and I've received my 4th mission of 5. These missions are not the norm. They're written to be very mean and sometimes unforgiving. Some are up to par or worse than the current Adepticon Gladiator primer missions. This week just blew my mind and I found it worth writing about.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Trying some old school...

Digging through some 40k files, I came across some 4th ed eldar lists. I really havn't touched my eldar much in the past several months. (Can't you tell lol...) Anyways I wrote up a new 1850 list that has a feel from the old eldar codex before Craftworld Eldar. I took some old elements and threw in some 5th ed tactical choices. My work hours give me 5 hours a day in the afternoon to get in any pick-up games plus days off. Our community's largest population is on Fridays and Saturdays (with RTs). To make a long story short, I'm going to dust off some ol's space elves just for fun. With the Chaos terminators nearing completion, it leaves me little on my immediate to-do list and I am considering my other races like Eldar and loyal marines.

Terminators pt. 2

I got most of the highlights done. Bases, cleanup and inkwash is next.
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Terminator progress.

Just testing my mobile blog address. The blackberry has a decent camera to take picts of wip models and shoot them directly to the blog. Saves some time.
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Now only if Warseer somehow allowed RSS feeds to my paint form blog =]

Unlocking Space Clowns' dirty side...Fun or stupidity?

So I've got this horrid idea burning in the back of my mind. What would your opponent think if you just did the dumbest but laughable things all in one Eldar army? I have no idea if an 1850 list can do it. And of course it does have to have some sort of playability backbone to make it fun.

What I mean is coming up with a list using tactics not commonly seen without certain metagames in mind.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Coding sucks... Period.

Hah patience endured! I've now edited the default template to add a second column. I tried some pre-fab templates but I kept having problems replacing the title with an image. After a while I said *** it and coded it myself by trial and error.

What I have started so far - Chaos

So far including my Thousand Sons, I have over 3000 points fully painted. My immediate to-do list is rather short. I have a squad of terminators to finish and then start on a predator, vindicator and finish my brass scorpion. I can't make promises on the rest within the near future. I may move on to another army. With the lack of table space, I was forced to take some full army photos at a local 2000pt Rogue Trader with my blackberry phone. However closer images of my Chaos project can be found on

The Technology Curse - A non warhammer rant

Just a small rant about web coding technology. Though I am new to blogspot, I do have a small background for webdesign. As many of you may have figured out or are already in the current computer trends, most store purchased PCs these days are running 64-bit operating systems thanks to the cloudy propaganda that having over 4gb of RAM is actually required to run a decent computer or laptop. (Let's keep gaming out of this equasion...). With Microsoft trying to stay ahead of the curve,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A start of a blog...

Hello folks and welcome to my Warhammer blog. I currently have projects started for Eldar, Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons (Nurgle dedication) and Ultra Marines. I've been using to provide my journey with my CSM first.